One Less Condo Fire wants you to know the facts about dryer systems and dryer fires so that you know more about these dangers to your home or business. 55 percent of high-rise fire deaths occur in condos and apartments, many starting with dryer fires. Failure to clean the dryer is the most common reason for dryer failures. Check out these stats, articles, and videos we've found that explain the risks of dryer fires.
Topical Fire Research Series
- An article about clothes dryer fires in residential buildings, January 2007 Issue 1, Volume 7 of TFRS
Dryer Fire Video
- A fire department demonstrates how easy a dryer fire can start in your home
Clothes dryers accounted for 92% of the fires; washing machines 4%, and washer and dryer combinations accounted for 5%.
The leading factor contributing to the ignition of home fires involving clothes dryers was failure to clean, accounting for one-third (33%) of dryer fires.
Fires involving clothes dryers usually started with the ignition of something that was being dried or was a byproduct (such as lint) of drying.
All photos were taken by me and are not stock photos of any kind and may not be copied or used. All photos taken by One Less Condo Fire and are the property of Condo Maintenance Services, Inc.